The little talked about immigration crisis in the Arabian Peninsula that kills many Africans


Yemen has been in crisis since 2015, but this has not prevented Africans from packing to go to the country.

Immigrants from Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea prefer to face the perilous journey to Yemen and other countries of the Middle East.

The journey is usually so difficult that the strip between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, Bab el Mandeb, is called "the door of sorrow"

Boats have capsized: Recently, a boat carrying at least 160 African migrants capsized off the southern province of Shabwa.

In other cases, illegal traffickers threw boats to prevent capture by the authorities. In one case, at least 50 people drowned and 30 others disappeared.

Photo: Telesurtv

After the dangerous journey, immigrants arrive at an even worse situation. They are subjected to torture, badual badault and even murder. According to a report by Human Rights Watch in April 2018, the Yemeni government arrested these immigrants in the port city of Aden, in the south of the country, where authorities hit them with steel bars and stole their personal belongings

in Aden, they brutally beat men, raped women and boys and sent hundreds of people on overcrowded boats. The crisis in Yemen provides no justification for this cruelty and brutality, and the Yemeni government should put an end to this situation and hold those responsible accountable, "said Bill Frelick, director of refugee rights at Human Rights Watch. 19659009]overcrowded facilities and lack of access to basic services, including food and health care .. Obtaining a correct picture of the situation has been difficult for advocacy groups as the Yemeni government has prevented access to immigrants in detention centers and guards, which complicates the situation of immigrants.

Gulf News

Escaping inhumane conditions is also greeted with severe punishment.In 2017, 40 African immigrants were killed after a Yemeni helicopter attacked the boat they were in while they were trying to flee the Y

The HRW report also stated that Yemeni civilians would be allowed to enter the detention center. ask for money or call parents of immigrants to ask for money to ensure a safe pbadage in Saudi Arabia.

More than 100 people whose loved ones agreed to send money were finally released, a third said with Saudi promises. He said that an interpreter worked with the guards to take names, details, and negotiate payment between migrants and smugglers.

Liberation is not always badured and released refugees can be recaptured later and returned to detention

But why are Africans fleeing to Yemen?

According to some reports, a number of immigrants claim that they were fleeing economic conflict, tribal conflict and the shabab for Somali immigrants. For Ethiopians, the 2016 emergency declaration forced many of them to seek greener pastures in Saudi Arabia via Yemen.

Although most of these Africans are aware of the conflict situation in Yemen, they think that it does not affect them. They believe that the absence of the rule of law would allow them to land more easily and cross the country without interruption.

Human rights groups want Yemen to be held accountable for the gross violations of the human rights of African immigrants and refugees. They call on the Yemeni government to improve the conditions of detention and to investigate cases of violations and to prosecute or discipline the perpetrators of such acts.

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