The No Man's Sky backup bug is already solved, on PC


Hello Games seems to be in the situation where the indie team made several steps forward and then encounters a situation with No Man's Sky who hands the team over. 39, a step or two. It was really bad when the game was launched two years ago in 2016 for PC and PS4, when the hype overwhelmed the real possibilities of the game, and it turned into a launch disaster . After relaunching the game with the following update, No Man's Sky managed to capture the attention and adoration of a whole new audience. However, new bugs were introduced with the next update that really hindered the experience of a large part of the players.

Fortunately, according to the official website, there is a fix that fixes the recent bug of the game on PC players. . In the 1.51 update, the priority was to fix a saved game bug where, after saving the game once they had partially repaired some elements of the technology, it would be impossible to load the backup file. The bug has been fixed and now allows players to save the game even after partially repairing some elements of the technology.

Unfortunately for console players, they will have to wait for the patch to be certified and approved by the platform's owners. enabled and distributed for Xbox One and PS4.

The fix also fixes a problem caused by a memory corruption bug, as well as several other crashes caused by a problem in the animation system, a crash when recording on the cargo ship, and a crash when a fleet is on an expedition while the capital ship is not present.

When you develop a game to include multiplayer, there is usually a lot of memory management involved in loading many objects. of memory in a short time. This sometimes (or almost all the time) causes a memory leak at one time or another, and this happened frequently with Star Citizen which requires frequent fixes to solve these problems. No Man's Sky was no stranger to this effect, and Hello Games also had to worry about clogging memory leaks.

The team also tackled bugs with multiplayer warping, as well as players unable to warp during the antimatter phase during the tutorial.

Part of the deployment involves mainly fixing a few dozen accidents, which is common for a game of this size. However, do not expect things to be perfect in the next update of No Man's Sky until Hello Games can really eliminate all the ins and outs patch and make sure the multiplayer works as expected. 19659008] This is certainly a huge improvement over what the game was when it was launched in 2016, but it is still far from where it needs to be.

On the Rise, Many Players Dive and Enjoy the No Man's Sky The next patch, which introduced a plethora of new game opportunities that the players had originally promised before the release initial game. Now that the game bug has been fixed on PC, it should make things more enjoyable for the players.

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