The opposition of Prime Minister Abiy will help the Ethiopian peaceful revolution


Prime Minister Abiy's decision to remove three major armed opposition groups from his country's terrorist list and travel to America to meet some of their leaders is an unprecedented step forward that will greatly help the "revolution" "Ethiopian peaceful these forces have a chance to participate in the inclusive political framework of which he is the spearhead.

Ethiopia has been much talked about lately and especially for all the good reasons. Whether his new prime minister continues the policy of liberating "political prisoners", meets with regional leaders to ease long-standing tensions or tries to find a lasting peace with his rival neighbor, Eritrea, Abiy Ahmed does everything in his power power second most populous country and its fastest growing economy. He is going so fast with his extensive general reforms that he was even the target of a failed badbadination attempt at the end of last month, designed to send him the message that he would do so. better to slow down or otherwise. Without getting discouraged, Prime Minister Abiy said that he would defy all the country's anti-peace forces by continuing his vision because he knows that people are behind him, which is obviously true because of the unbridled enthusiasm that has swept the country since his appointment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that what is happening in Ethiopia at the moment is revolutionary, and moreover, this global systemic change is happening peacefully and from top to bottom, unlikely that some observers thought it would have could turn into an impending violent base insurgency if serious reforms did not take place in the future to come.

In order to fully appreciate what Prime Minister Abiy Abiy is doing, the reader should be informed that the country was on the verge of civil war before his appointment, the largest minority group and positioned at the center of the Oromo Protestant de facto centralized the "federalization" of the country and sometimes even irresponsibly, resorting to anti-state violence to transmit their points. Ethiopia was thrown into two almost desperate emergency situations to try to calm the unrest, knowing that failure could have led to a much bigger disaster than the one that destroyed Congo there. has two decades in the much larger civilian population at stake and their easier access to European contraband routes to seek refuge. These scenarios Hybrid War and Migrant Crisis 2.0 were avoided at the last minute after the reformist faction of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) succeeded in having its former candidate Desalegn replaced by his favorite candidate

. yet openly articulated, one can badume by his actions that PM Abiy's vision is to functionally decentralize Ethiopia into the federation of regions that it is constitutionally supposed to be by giving each of the components of the widest parts The political rights of the country, which makes it to this end, he undertook the surprising act of removing the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the National Liberation Front of Ogaden (ONLF) and the I & # 39; Ginbot 7 organization of the Ethiopian terrorist. list and will travel to the United States by the end of this month to meet with members of the diaspora, a visit It strongly implies that he will also see some of the leaders of the aforementioned groups who are based in America since decades. The purpose of these interactions is to encourage them to return to their homeland and participate in its vision of building a "New Ethiopia", which ultimately transcends its post-civil war past as a centralized state of facto under the disproportionate influence of a faction "deep state" (allegedly the Tiger People's Liberation Front, TPLF) and is gradually decentralizing into a model where all political forces have an equal chance of democratically influence the course of their nation's development.

Smack in the middle of this new model – both physically and in terms of its political importance due to its demographics – is the Oromia region and its people including Prime Minister Abiy himself, who should to be more than adequate to calm the separatist tensions that were exploited by foreign forces to destabilize Ethiopia and bring it to the brink of an existential crisis.

As a responsible leader, Prime Minister Abiy would not have taken the risk of including the FLO and other groups in the national dialogue when he believed that 39; there was a high probability that they would use their eventual return to militancy to blackmail the state into an endless concession, which is why the eventuality had been largely mitigated before the 39th. announces that these organizations would be removed from the country's terrorism list. Although one can never know exactly what happened before, it is very likely that Prime Minister Abiy and the Reform Party's "deep state" EPRDF have been in secret contact with the Eritrean sponsor of these terrorist groups a revolutionary rapprochement that he finally made public last month and which therefore neutralized the essential foreign support of these organizations.

Faced with the prospect of being cut off from their patron and forced to continue fighting the formidable Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) on their own or by engaging in pragmatic negotiations with them for their gradual inclusion in the revolutionary political framework of Prime Minister Abiy, the OLF, ONLF and Ginbot 7 naturally chose the second option.

For his part, Prime Minister Abiy is interested in incorporating them into his model for a decentralized "New Ethiopia" because he understands the importance of delegating regional responsibilities to local leaders who could potentially form the basis of a new political elite to replace its "intransigent" "extremist" opponents in the EPDRF, as the OLF and the ONLF have the opportunity to do. As for Ginbot 7, they are less centered on the region and more nationally of a political force, although more popular among the diaspora and in urban areas than among the majority rural population of the country. -even. Taken together, these three groups – each of which has influential representatives in the United States – are considered by Prime Minister Abiy as key elements in the construction of the "New Ethiopia" that he envisions, that he is obviously optimistic enough to reach after "disfiguring" these organizations. following its rapprochement with Eritrea and inviting them to participate responsibly in the peaceful revolution of their homeland.

DISCLAIMER: The author writes for this publication privately, which is not representative of any organization, at the time of writing. except for his personal opinions. Nothing written by the author should ever be confused with the editorial opinions or official positions of any other media or institution.

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