The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has released $ 15 million today to urgently strengthen humanitarian badistance to people affected by HIV / AIDS. 39, escalation of intercommunal violence in Ethiopia.
leads to large-scale displacement, property damage and loss of life. Nearly one million men, women and children are currently accommodated with parents already food insecure or residing in cramped public buildings without adequate food and water and without sanitary and hygienic facilities. inferior quality
"Under the leadership of Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the measures to bring about unity and reconciliation have generated great enthusiasm in the country and great international praise," said the Secretary-General of the 39 UN, António Guterres. "However, the impact of inter-community tensions is a challenge for the new leadership. Nearly one million people are displaced and in need of urgent help, especially during this rainy season. It is essential to act immediately and that is why the CERF releases $ 15 million to allow urgent badistance. The fund is one of the quickest ways to ensure that help reaches those who need it most and I thank all CERF donors. "
The allocation of CERF will allow humanitarian partners to intensify their vital badistance the government's response.More than 36,600 people will benefit from urgent nutritional badistance, some 600,000 people will benefit from services of water, sanitation and hygiene, 71,200 households will receive kits of non-food items and 175,000 people will benefit from health services.
CERF catalyst essential to launch the intensification efforts, but there is an urgent need to mobilize more funds to meet all the needs of those affected by violence.The 2018 Ethiopia Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Relief Plan $ 1.6 billion to reach millions with food and non-food support In late June, the Government of Ethiopia and humanitarian partners jointly launched a response plan calling for a An additional $ 117.7 million for the next six months to provide immediate vital support to the victims of the Gedeo-West Guji inter-community violence. [19659003Crééparl'AssembléegénéraledesNationsUniesen2005commeunfondsmondial"partouspourtous"leCERFestuncatalyseuressentield'uneactionhumanitaireefficaceopportuneetvitaleaidantlespartenairesdepremièrelignesurleterrainàlancerouàrenforcerlasituationd'urgenceActivitésDepuissacréationlefondsaaidédescentainesdemillionsdepersonnesavecplusde5milliardsdedollarsdans100paysetterritoiresgrâceausoutiengénéreuxetconstantdesesdonateurs
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