UN Security Council welcomes détente between Eritrea and Ethiopia and plans to lift sanctions against Eritrea



The photo taken on July 10, 2018 shows a United Nations Security Council meeting at UN Headquarters in New York . The Security Council will discuss the lifting of sanctions against Eritrea, given its agreement with Ethiopia to end the "state of war," diplomats said Tuesday. (Xinhua / Li Muzi)

UNITED NATIONS, July 10 (Xinhua) – The Security Council welcomed Tuesday the decision of Eritrea and Ethiopia to end the State of war between them and build peace

The Security Council welcomed the signing of the Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship Monday and welcomed the commitment of both parties to resume diplomatic relations and to open a new chapter of cooperation and partnership, said the Council in a press release. said the statement.

Council members welcomed the commitment of Eritrea and Ethiopia to work together to ensure peace, development and cooperation in the region and look forward to participating. Eritrea is active in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional trade bloc.

Eritrea withdrew from IGAD in 2007, but was readmitted in 2011. [19659004] The members of the Security Council recognized the call for solidarity and support in the Joint Declaration and encouraged all actors to support the peace process. The members of the Security Council are ready to support Eritrea and Ethiopia in their implementation of the Joint Declaration, said US diplomacy.

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, whose country holds the presidency of the Security Council for the month of July, said she hoped the lifting of sanctions against the Horn country of Africa would "arrive shortly". Mr. Wallstrom, who was at the UN headquarters to chair a Security Council debate, told the press that [traduction] "if the reasons for the introduction of sanctions are lifted, the sanctions could of course be lifted. The sanctions could be lifted, she said: "We are looking at the issue, if we can even introduce it as soon as possible during our presidency (in July) or what will be the right moment. She expressed the hope that the Security Council could make a decision with the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, returning Tuesday from Addis Ababa with a new impression of the situation on the ground .

She said the lifting of sanctions against Eritrea would be "fantastic". "It means something for the entire Horn of Africa region," she said.

The Netherlands ambbadador to the United Nations, Karel van Oosterom, confirmed Tuesday that discussions could take place in the Security Council. Swedish Ambbadador to the UN, Olof Skoog, told his EU colleagues in the Security Council Tuesday that his country was in contact with Ethiopia and Eritrea , according to van Oosterom

. an arms embargo for its destabilizing role in neighboring countries

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Monday handed a letter to Guterres in Addis Ababa calling for the lifting of sanctions against Eritrea. Guterres said the sanctions will naturally become obsolete if the reasons that led to their disappearance no longer exist.

Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 and the two countries waged war between 1998 and 2000. Although they signed a peace agreement in December 2000 , tensions continued. Leaders of both countries held a historic summit in the Eritrean capital of Asmara Sunday and Monday and agreed to end hostilities and normalize relations.

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