Uncharted developers say Nathan Drake has not been hit by bullets


If you've ever played at one of Naughty Dog's Uncharted games, you know that protagonist Nathan Drake regularly faces dozens of villains who want nothing but pepper with balls. Firefights see the screen become progressively redder when Drake is hit and eventually dies, but according to some developers in the series, he is not touched by these bullets at all

Jonathan Cooper a Naughty Dog animator. on Twitter that the user interface turns red to symbolize the death of Nathan Drake – rather than being hit by bullets, he is near getting caught by them, and his death occurs when a fatal bullet finally hits his target. Cooper called it jokingly "sounding ludonarrative", mocking a term that was thrown around the disconnection between on-screen actions and the story of a game.

Amy Hennig, who served as Artistic Director on the first three games, confirmed that it was also the intention of the team, adding that she was "aligned with the The spirit and tone of the films "to which Uncharted paid tribute.

Hennig was mainly referring to Indiana Jones films, which saw Harrison Ford The character survives certain death, often beating waves of enemies. The most notable and infamous example of his near-invincibility was perhaps Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull Kingdom where Jones climbs into a refrigerator to avoid being killed by a bomb nuclear power

. The decision to make balls misses Nathan Drake is contrasted by the approach of Naughty Dog in The Last of Us where Joel has to bandage himself and heal himself after being shot. Inspired by survival stories such as The Road this choice is sound and thematic and corresponds to the post-apocalyptic context.

Killing other living beings strikes Joel – and especially Ellie – The last of us while Nathan Drake does not really seem to care about it. Maybe that's because his rivals seem to have an infinite army of minions to send his way. but we would not want to watch Drake in a therapy session to discuss his actions.

If you have a PlayStation 4, you can play the original three Uncharted games as well as Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy at the moment. Prequel Uncharted: Golden Abyss is available exclusively from Vita.

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