UNHCR cites progress in refugee health care in 2017


The United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR reports that, despite a record number of displaced people worldwide last year, medical badistance to refugees and other displaced populations s & # 39; 39 is improved in most cases. The announcement was made in the Annual Public Health Outlook on the latest refugee emergencies and on-going operations.

However, communicable diseases, anemia and stunting are still of concern.

Rapid and Effective Intervention

The paper, UNHCR reported in a statement, pointed out that increased surveillance of key indicators on health care in refugee populations allowed for more information. 39, act more timely and effectively.

The report highlighted what has been done up to now and trends based on key indicators such as public health, reproductive health, HIV, nutrition, food security, water and hygiene.

UNHCR report notes that despite major emergencies and the refugee epidemic in 2017, the year in which wars and persecution brought the number of displaced people to record levels, the rate Mortality rate for children under 5 years remains stable in post-emergency situations at a rate of 0.4 deaths per 1,000 refugees each month, a level that has declined since 2011.

Reproductive Health Services were also improved and about half a million refugee pregnant women received antenatal care, Concerns remain despite results

UNHCR reports that more than 100 clinical consultations were held in 2017 for refugees in health facilities, an increase of 10% over 2016. Nine consultations 10 of refugees badisted in the facilities suffered from communicable diseases.

The number of mental health consultations for refugees has steadily increased over the years, doubling in 2017 compared to three years ago. In total, more than 160,000 children under one year old were vaccinated against measles, an increase of 15% over 2016, while HIV treatment was offered to more than 10,000 refugees

. still concerned about the persistence of high levels of anemia and stunting. Malnutrition is also of great concern because of reduced food rations for refugees and basic badistance in several refugee support operations.

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