United Arab Emirates Amnesty 2018: Foreign Missions Open Tellers


Visit of the Amer centers to regularize the status of residence in Dubai, Al Aweer center for repatriation without prohibition

General Mohammad Al Merri presents to the consular representatives the Monitoring Section of Offenders and Aliens in Al Aweer, Dubai [19659003] Dubai: Foreign diplomatic missions from countries of origin will have ticket windows in the main amnesty center in Al Aweer, Dubai, to facilitate the rapid repatriation of residents who exceed their visas from 1 August, learned Gulf News

those seeking to legalize their residency status during the next amnesty will not have to visit the center of Al Aweer. Instead, they can go to the Bitter Centers in Dubai

On Wednesday, more details on the three-month amnesty were issued after the meeting of the General Directorate of residence and foreign affairs in Dubai. with representatives of diplomatic missions of countries of origin in Dubai

General Mohammad Ahmad Al Merri, Director General of GDRFA, has received a number of consular representatives from India, Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Indonesia to the Section. tracking offenders and foreigners in Al Aweer

. procedures for receiving requests from offenders and facilities provided by GDRFA.

They were told that their consulates would be given facilities to install wickets in the amnesty center to facilitate amnesty for visas

Procedures Explained

A document in different languages ​​explaining the procedures of amnesty in Dubai was also handed to the consular representatives.

According to the one-page manual, The Al Aweer Center will only handle cases of undocumented residents wishing to leave the country without fines or prohibition.

They Can Erase Fugitive Cases Against Them, If However, Those Seeking to Regularize Their Visa Status in This Amnesty Period, However, May Approach the Bitter Centers of GDRFA .

Currently, there are 41 Bitter Centers located in different parts of Dubai, according to the GDRFA Call Center.

These centers will provide all services, including the cancellation of fines for residence offenses, UAE ID card and work permit [19659002ApplicantsmaywhereappropriatewhitewashcasesofleakageandrenewexpiredvisasorreapplyvisastothesecentersThemanualalsodetailedtherequireddocumentsandfeestructureforvariousamnestyservices[See graphic] Developing Arrangements

During Wednesday's meeting, an inspection visit of elaborate arrangements made for the reception of residents during the period of amnesty from August 1 to October 31 was also organized. The facilities included separate rooms for male and female applicants, a flight booking office, with the exception of facilities for people with special needs and for emergency medical services.

In a press release on the meeting Al Merri said: "(The) cooperation with the consulates in Dubai will significantly contribute to convey our message to the violators of the need to cooperate with the authorities concerned to change their [residency status] without hesitation or fear, and to meet all their demands "

Brigadier General Khalaf Ahmad Al Gaith, Deputy Director General of the Section for Monitoring Violators and Aliens in Dubai, called on offenders to take advantage of the opportunity to change their status by visiting designated offices.

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