Week of July 23, 2018



Jul 21, 2018 | 14:29 GMT

2 minutes reading

<img object = "" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://www.stratfor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_large /public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=lwjS2v8h "data-sizes =" (min-width: 1024px) 90vw,
        (min-width: 768px) 90vw,
        90vw "data-srcset =" https://www.stratfor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_full/public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=WNpl-Sr8 1920w,
                    https://www.stratfor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_large/public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=lwjS2v8h 1440w,
                    https://www.stratfor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_medium/public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=T9z-GB9D 1021w,
                    https://www.stratfor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_small/public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=K6l5-dM5 766w,
                    https://www.stratfor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_tiny/public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=XrSQZCbz 320w "alt =" The special emissary of the UN, Jane Holl Lute, travels to Cyprus to begin consultations on the potential reunification of the island. title = "UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute travels to Cyprus to begin consultations on the possibility of reunification of the island". ADRIAN DENNIS / AFP / Getty Images

The geopolitical orientation of Stratfor provides insight into what we are monitoring in

Stay informed of the most important meetings and events planned for the coming week


  • 23 July: UN Special Envoy Jane Holl Lute starts consultations in Cyprus on the reunification of l & # 39; island. ] 26 July: Visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Spain
  • 26 July: The Governing Council of the European Central Bank meets in Frankfurt, Germany, followed by a press conference


  • ] July 28: The International Army The games begin. Teams from 27 countries will participate in the games, which will run until 11 August and will take place in Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Belarus, Iran, Kazakhstan and Russia.


  • 23 July: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte publishes the annual address State of the Nation
  • 23 July: conclude the table tennis and shooting competitions between North Korea and the South Korea
  • July 24: North Korea and South Korea complete the North Shore of the Peninsula
  • July 27: North Korea will return the remains of US citizens of the Korean War to the United States. occasion of the 65th anniversary of the conflict armistice [28.12.2008] July 28: China reduces foreign investment in its automotive sector
  • July 29: general elections in Cambodia

South Asia

  • July 25: parliamentary elections in Pakistan
  • July 26: The Union of Ceylon teachers in Sri Lanka plans a strike of 300,000 teachers Principles to protest against government policies to promote education

Middle Orien t / North Africa

  • 22-24 July: Oman holds its 3rd Youth Forum to encourage youth participation in the economy
  • 23 July: International Court of Justice (19659013) 24 July: Meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee of Turkey
  • July 24: The UN Security Council holds a public session on the Palestinian issue.

] Americas

  • July 23-24: The Annual Australia-United States Ministerial Consultation (AUSMIN) is held
  • July 24-25: The Pacific Alliance Summit is held in Mexico, with trade negotiations between Common Market countries European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker meets US President Donald Trump in Washington to discuss trade
  • 28-29 July: Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visits United States

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • 23 July: South Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak Yeon makes a three-day trip to Tanzania
  • 23-27 July: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits Rwanda , Uganda and South Africa
  • 25-27 July: Leaders from Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa meet in Johannesburg , in South Africa
  • July 29: Mali organizes elections presidential ns

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