Why Nigerian Airlines Can not Fly International Routes


Chinedu Eze

Aviation experts have identified reasons why Nigerian airlines would find it difficult to operate international routes, which is a major source of foreign exchange and reduce capital flight foreign airlines.

Since the disappearance of the national carrier, Nigeria Airways Limited (NAL), it has been very difficult for Nigerian airlines to successfully operate international destinations such as London, New York, Washington, DC, Johannesburg and Johannesburg. # 39; others.

million. Lukeman Animaseun, former director of Medview Airline who was responsible for his international operations and who spoke with THISDAY, said any airline that is not a domestic carrier would have a hard time successfully operating international routes since the Nigeria.

when Arik Air began operating the Abuja-London line, the direction of the British airport canceled the former reciprocal arrangements of frequencies the bilateral Air Services Agreement (BASA) and insisted for the Nigerian airline to pay for the landing, which was a huge sum of money.

When the airline could not pay, the direction of the airport prevented Arik
Animaseun told THISDAY that the direction of the British airport would have not able to do that to the national carrier of Nigeria because he knows that stopping British Airways and Virgin Atlantic Airways, the British airlines to operate in Nigeria.

"It will be difficult for a private airline to operate international routes for these reasons, if the government is ready to fight for the airline, but if it is a national carrier, they know that they can not do all this because the government will definitely fight. "International roads are capacity in terms of funding.

"Does the airline have sufficient funds? This is because the fees are very high, and it is paid in foreign currency. The Nigerian airlines sell their ticket to naira and sell to relatively low price to attract pbadengers, but the services you pay are paid in foreign currency.

"Most often, the Nigerian airline does not have the financial means," explained Mr. Animaseun
Industry experts also noted that for a Nigerian airline to succeed well on the international route and also in its operation, it is necessary for the airline to have corporate governance for avoid the arrogance that arises.My airline and I decide what will happen, but decisions must be taken collectively.

Animaseun however noted that airlines Foreigners and their host countries can fight Nigerian airlines if the government permits, stressing that if the Nigerian government adopts policies to disadvantage these airlines as they operate to their destinations, they will be stopped.

At a recent meeting of the think-ta nk group in the aviation industry, known as the Aviation Round Table (ART), industry experts had noted that the multi – Designation of foreign airlines at different Nigerian airports was detrimental to the operations of Nigerian carriers.

However, Animaseun explains that this discourages code-sharing between foreign airlines and Nigerian airlines.
Indeed, if a foreign airline is designated for an airport in Nigeria, it will badociate with local airlines. For example, if British Airways is designated solely for the Lagos airport, pbadengers from Kano, Abuja and Enugu would be brought to Lagos by a Nigerian airline to join the British Airways flight. But some foreign airlines operate in three or more airports in Nigeria.

Animseun and other industry stakeholders believe it is a key policy used by the federal government to harm the operations of Nigerian airlines [19659014]. id) {
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