Will Samsung launch a foldable screen this year?


Samsung Display, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, said on Friday that its newly developed and foldable unbreakable screen has pbaded security tests in the United States, a step that will help the South Korean firm to market the product. Display, an Apple supplier, said that the screen can be used in devices such as smartphones, tablets, portable gaming devices and car consoles

. They compete to manufacture more innovative devices.

Samsung Display's new screen is protected by plastic rather than glbad, which increases flexibility and makes it virtually unbreakable, says the company on its website. like glbad, which allows it to be installed on devices used in close-up, such as smartphones, said an official Samsung Display.

The screen was certified by Samsung Laboratories Underwrite, a testing company for occupational safety and health in the United States, after tests that involved a 26-fold drop of 1.2 meters, said Samsung Display.

After the test, the screen continued to function normally "

The American certification confers such credibility that marketing can begin worldwide, not just in the United States, said the head of Samsung Display

. a device with foldable screen since its mobile leader in September said that this device was under development and had to overcome technological hurdles before its launch in 2018.

Such a device should help dispel fears that Samsung Electronics, the the world's largest maker of smartphones, is short of ideas to support the sales of its high-end Galaxy handsets as its smartphone sales growth slows.

Samsung Electronics closed shares remained unchanged on Friday, up from a 0.3% rise on the overall market.


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