Xaviant pulls The Culling 2 stores, makes the original free-to-play


The story of The Culling and his appalling sequel, The Culling 2, is a lesson for all game developers. The Culling began as a unique Royal Battle experience that resembled primarily The Hunger Games. However, the developer Xaviant so changed The Culling before launching that it was almost an unrecognizable product by the time he left early access. This drove out many players and eventually led the studio to abandon the title a few months after its release.

If you think that's ridiculous, wait to hear what happened next. A few months after abandoning The Culling and ignoring the calls of many players, Xaviant announced The Culling 2. The Culling 2 was essentially a PlayerUnknown BattleUnion clone that brought nothing new to the oversaturated genre. The game was actually dead at launch and a few days later Xaviant said the team was discussing the studio's future.

At that time everyone thought that Xaviant was going to close, but today the studio has announced a plan to reverse the situation. According to the YouTube message, The Culling 2 will be removed from all stores and those who bought it will be refunded. Better still, the developer will return to the original version of the original game, make it free and develop it from there. Hopefully this will bring back the players and attract a new audience.

It's unclear whether the Xbox One version of The Culling will also end up being free. Until now, these plans seem to be centered around PC building. We will keep you informed as soon as we have received more information.

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