Xi Jinping on International Tour in the Middle East and Africa


July 13, 201: 05 Beijing, July 13 (Prensa Latina) President Xi Jinping will begin a tour of the countries of the Middle East and Africa next week, which will be his first trip abroad after the elections, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said in a statement that the president would begin the trip on July 19 and travel to the United Arab Emirates, Senegal, Rwanda , in Mauritius and South Africa

the 10th presidential summit of the BRICS July 25-27 in South Africa. BRICS is a block of emerging economies that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

This is Xi Jinping's first international tour after his reelection in March and unanimously at the annual session of Parliament.

Destination regions are precisely priorities in China's foreign agenda because of its inclusion in the Belt and Road initiative, launched in 2013.

This initiative inspires old trade routes to link this country to different countries. Since the beginning of 2018, Mr. Xi has received Arab and African leaders and, with many of them, he has forged alliances to strengthen bilateral relations and strategically expand socio-economic cooperation. .

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