Zimbabwe ranks lowest on income equality


Southern Africa is one of the regions with unequal incomes in the world, Zimbabwe being among the lowest in the region, a report published by the African Union (AU) and the OECD Center. Africa's Development Dynamics 2018, which was released a week at the AU headquarters in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, noted that southern Africa contains six of the 10 most unequal countries in the world. world of income terms.

63, followed by Namibia (61), Botswana (61), Zambia (57), Lesotho (54) and Swaziland (52) with Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola with the lowest coefficient

Gini measured with the help of the Gini index refers to which income distribution between individuals or households in an economy deviates from a perfectly even distribution.

The index varies from 0 in the case of "perfect equality" to 100 in the case o In South Africa, wage inequalities are high, because "the concentration of capital and land between the groups most rich and cultural and historical factors exacerbate the dualistic job market "

. The performance of different African regions in terms of growth, jobs and inequalities also highlights the importance of fighting inequalities for the well-being of African countries, as unemployment and inequality are in Southern Africa. several channels. First, it enables the poor to accumulate productive badets and invest in human capital.

"Secondly, it increases their purchasing power and thus modifies the structure of domestic demand for higher quality goods and services. Inequality in Southern Africa, in addition to inadequate wages, also affects women as they face more challenges in the employment sector than their male counterparts.

The total activity rate is only 61% for women compared to 71% for men.This gap varies by country, but it is more serious in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and in South Africa, says part of the report.

that "the economic development of Africa using an African badytical grid, it will contribute to the definition and implementation of innovative policies that are tailored to the specific characteristics of each economy Mario Pezzini, director of the OECD, reiterated the importance of policies and worked together as Africa.

He said the report "is not the end, it's not even the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning. We intend to continue to work together each year and produce a report … We can together create a story, a story, an interpretation of what is happening and in particular provide a policy, a vision, policy recommendations. That's what we want to do together. . . Because Africa is multiple but Africa is one, so it is important to work together to define these strategies. "

For each problem, the report proposes policy recommendations from African governments

For example, on inequality and unemployment, inequality can lead to unemployment as it leads to liquidity constraints that prevent the poor to invest in health and education, so that the stimulation of employment opportunities should be at the forefront of inequality and unemployment [19659005economicgrowthsince2000althoughemploymentandinequalityremainmajorchallenges

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