Everclear's Art Alexakis Unveils Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis – Rolling Stone


Art Alexakis of Everclear revealed that he was suffering from multiple sclerosis. In a letter to fans posted on the Everclear website, the singer said he had it "for about 10 to 20 years."

According to the singer-guitarist's letter, the MS was discovered three years ago as a result of an automobile accident, after which he began to feel tingling and numbness in the arm. He has undergone several MRI exams and a battery of other tests. He was later informed that he was suffering from a form of multiple sclerosis known as relapsing-remitting MS.

"The more I discovered multiple sclerosis, the more things started to make sense," he added. "That explains why I had problems with balance and gait in the last 10 years, but also a greater sensitivity to cold and cold, and why I do not have the energy, vigor and Net memory that I had 10 years ago. I thought it was just me who was getting older.

Despite the diagnosis, he wrote: "I learned what the word" gratitude really means ", citing the fact that he had made four full tours with Everclear, as well as 250 other shows around the world and spent time with his family and friends.

"That said, I can feel the disease growing slowly in me," he revealed. "Now I have to give myself injections three times a week. My neurologist says that as long as I take medication, I should live in my 80s without progression. We will see."

Alexakis, who has been sober for almost three decades, said he wanted to make the diagnosis public in order to respond to speculation that he could have fallen off the wagon because he looked "unstable" on stage or on stage. in the city".

"So, if you see me stumble … in a sweat, looking both tired and worried, maybe a little more confused than usual, or forgetting some happy lyrics (which is odd for me), know that I did not fall out of the wagon, he said. "I am learning to be the new me."

Alexakis also discussed his upcoming creative projects. He announced that he was preparing his first solo album, Songs of the sun, which should be released earlier this summer. His solo tour "Songs and Stories" will begin May 1st and he plans to start writing a book this summer.

Read Alexakis' letter to the fans.


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