Every day, more than one million people are diagnosed with an STI


Hearing that you have a sexually transmitted infection is obviously not good news, but it is a reality for one million people every day.

And a new report from the World Health Organization highlights the incredibly high rate of new STI diagnoses, while urging sexually active individuals to prioritize their health and the well-being of their partners .

The research paints a disastrous picture for sexual health advocates, using the most recent data available to show that the top four sexually transmitted infections make an incredible number of victims and that the trend is disturbing.

According to the report, which includes the 2016 health statistics for men and women aged 15 to 49, some 127 million new cases of chlamydia were recorded in a single calendar year. This represents 87 million cases of gonorrhea, more than 6 million cases of syphilis and 156 million cases of trichomoniasis.

This accounts for more than 376 million new cases per year of the four most common infections, which means that there are more than one million new cases of STIs curable among 15- to 49-year-olds every day.

"We are seeing a worrying lack of progress in tackling the spread of sexually transmitted infections worldwide," said Dr. Peter Salama of the World Health Organization in a statement.

"This is a call for a concerted effort to ensure that everyone, wherever they are, can access the services they need to prevent and treat these debilitating diseases."

What is particularly troubling about the data is that they show that sexually transmitted infections are not declining but remain relatively stable. The latest most recent report from the previous four years shows roughly the same numbers, about 1 in 25 people diagnosed with at least one of the four most common curable STIs.

The only positive news about all this is that these diseases, which are the four most common, are actually curable. It may be a little comforting for a person who receives a positive diagnosis, but until general trends change, this may well be the only good news.


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