Everyone 16 and over can now be vaccinated in Contra Costa County


Contra Costa County on Tuesday expanded eligibility for coronavirus vaccinations to all people 16 and older, becoming the first in the Bay Area and one of the first major counties in the state to offer vaccines to all arrivals.

The move brings together the roughly 1.2 million residents of Contra Costa County and a dozen states that have opened up vaccination to people 16 and over. This marks an early start to the so-called open vaccine season, at least in one corner of the Bay Area, and gives about two weeks warning of California’s target date for doing so statewide.

The county was also one of the first to extend vaccinations to people 50 and over, which it did last week, ahead of the state’s plan to do so on Thursday.

The expansion means there are no longer any eligibility requirements – such as age, employment, or underlying medical conditions – for people who live or work in Contra Costa County, to must be at least 16 years old. get vaccinated, depending on the county.

“I’m grateful that my whole family is eligible,” said Scott Bloom, 51. The Pleasant Hill dad-of-two was among the first of the newly expanded age group to get the shot on Tuesday, and he has marked dates for his two children as well.

Bloom said he was made aware of the extended eligibility through an email sent by Supervisor Karen Mitchoff; he used the county’s MyChart app. to find appointments.


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