Evgeny Kuznetsov suspended three games for use of cocaine (Update)


The Washington Post Isabelle Khurshudyan reports this Evgeny Kuznetsov will be suspended by the NHL later today after failing an IIHF drug test earlier this year. The suspension will not last more than three games, according to Khurshudyan. The IIHF has already suspended Kuznetsov from international play for four years, which will prevent him from being registered at the World Championships and the Olympic Games until he is 31 years old.

On Monday, Kuznetsov met with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman. Kuznetsov has not spoken publicly about the failure of the drug test in a press release issued by the capitals.

Update, 10.30am: The NHL announces that Kuznetsov will be suspended for three games. Kuznetsov will not appeal the decision.

From the NHL:

NEW YORK (September 14, 2019) – The National Hockey League announced today that Washington Capitals forward Evgeny Kuznetsov has been suspended without pay for three regular season games for improper conduct. . The Commissioner's decision was made following a face-to-face meeting held in New York on Monday, September 9 with representatives of Kuznetsov and the HNLPA.

Kuznetsov informed the League through the intermediary of the AJLNH that he would not appeal his suspension. The league will have no more comment.

Original story follows:

"I feel really bad about letting you down," Kuznetsov said. "I realize that the only way to win you back is to take control of my situation and my actions from now on."

The NHL announced that Kuznetsov had "voluntarily asked for help through the education and counseling program provided for in the NHL and NHLPA collective agreement," which includes tests regular drug testing. A meeting with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman was also held to review his conduct.

In June, a Russian Twitter user posted a video of Kuznetsov composed of lines of a white powdery substance. Kuznetsov denied having used drugs, but at the end of August, the IIHF announced its positive screening test. Kuznetsov has removed all his photos and videos from Instagram. He spent much of the summer in Arlington after his wife gave birth to the couple's second child, Fedor.

"He spent most of the summer here," said TJ Oshie. "I saw him train. For me, it looks better than I have ever seen it. I'm still waiting for great things from him and I'm expecting bigger things this year. "

"I think he's aware that it's a big mistake in his mind and that he's feeling remorse," added general manager Brian MacLellan.

The capitals have all united behind Kuznetsov.

"His mind is where he should [be] Training camp, "said Nicklas Backstrom. "I mean, very unfortunate, what happened, but at the same time, for us as friends, I think it's very important that we support him in every case. We will fight together, as a family. "


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