Exclusive look inside Lexington Medical Center’s COVID unit


LEXINGTON, SC (WIS) – The COVID floors at Lexington Medical Center are rapidly filling up with patients who have contracted the delta variant of COVID-19.

As COVID patients fight for their lives with ventilators, they still cannot get visitors.

Hospital officials say they currently have 99 patients with COVID. That number is up from 86 in hospital on Monday and 92 on Tuesday.

Dr Brent Powers of Lexington Medical Center says the average age of a patient hospitalized with COVID is 50.

The youngest COVID patient currently hospitalized is 22 years old.

Additionally, a woman who is pregnant during labor and delivery is in intensive care with COVID.

Doctors say 80% of patients with COVID have not been vaccinated. As a result, they encourage everyone to get vaccinated.

“One of our ICU nurses just finished a 9-hour shift, so she needs to work longer and harder,” said Dr Powers. “Get your shot and get it now. It protects you 8 times.

Dr Powers is concerned that schools that return to class without a mask warrant will further increase the number of patients in the hospital.

However, Dr Powers will not have to worry as much as the mayor of Columbia has made it mandatory to wear masks in schools.

RELATED | Columbia Mayor declares state of emergency demanding face masks in schools and daycares

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