Exoplanets are about to get new names (and you can help choose)



The NameExoWorlds campaign allows all countries in the world to give a popular name to a selected exoplanet and its host star. This illustration shows a concept of what an exoplanet might look like.

AIU / L. Calçada

Exoplanets are exciting, but they usually have moving names such as "HD 8574 b" or "HD 17156 b." It's about to change for a lot of lucky exoplanets and their host stars.

The International Astronomical Union is the governing body that manages the names of astronomical objects. He announced on Thursday a worldwide NameExoWorlds campaign inviting all countries of the Earth to name an exoplanet and his star companion.

IAU has already done most of the work and determined which stars are visible with the help of small telescopes from each country. The United States must name the yellow dwarf HD 17156 of the Cassiopeia constellation with its HD exoplanet 7156b. The UK will have to find a suitable name for WASP-13 in the Lynx constellation. Australia, you are on HD 38283 at Mensa.

Nearly 100 countries have already registered to hold public voting competitions to choose a popular name for their stars and planets.

You may be eager to suggest and vote for names, but there will be no Planety McPlanetFaces here. There are strict naming rules.

"The names proposed must be things, persons or places having ancient cultural, historical or geographical significance, worthy of being attributed to a celestial object," said the IAU.

National campaigns should take place between June and November, so keep an eye on the IAU website for information on how to participate in your country. The names of the winners will be announced in December.

You will never be able to visit the exoplanet of your country, but you will be able to observe it in the night sky and call it by name.

Originally published at 9:43 am Pacific Time.


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