Experiments on mice show the involvement of intestinal bacteria and spleen in this cardiac pathology – ScienceDaily


Aging and a high-fat diet enriched with omega-6 fatty acids are important health risk factors, ranging from diabetes to heart failure. The way these two factors regulate the immune response is not well understood.

Ganesh Halade, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of Alabama in Birmingham and other institutions have studied the role of aging and a dietary impact microflora generated by obesity and enriched with omega 6 in the body. intestine, structure and function of the immune response spleen subsequent to the heart attack, using a mouse model.

In a study published in the FASEB Journal, report that a high-calorie diet and obesity in aging mice disrupted the composition of the gut microbiome and correlated with the development of unresolved systemic inflammation in acute heart failure, as well as pattern disturbances. immune cell – especially neutrophil-leukocyte ratio.

Halade is an Associate Professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases of the UAB Department of Medicine.

It is known that the diet interacts with intestinal microbes to calibrate the body's immune defense capability. Researchers led by the UAB have examined this issue in greater depth, with regard to aging and a diet high in fat.

They found that the diet-causing obesity resulted in a sharp increase in the number of bacteria belonging to the genus Allobaculum, phylum Firmicutes. The obesity-generating diet also increased the proportion of neutrophils in the blood of young mice. In older mice, a similar increase in the proportion of neutrophils was observed in elderly mice receiving a standard diet and in older mice receiving the diet generating obesity.

The spleen, a secondary immune organ, is a known reservoir for leukocytes that are released after cardiac injury. These splenic leukocytes move to the heart to begin tissue repair and help resolve the inflammation.

Halade and his colleagues found that the obesity-generating diet and the aging of the population resulted in the swarming of neutrophils and a change in the leucocyte profile after a heart attack. They also observed deformations of the splenic structure in these mice and a decrease in CD169 positive spleen macrophages.

It is important to note that young mice fed with the obesity-generating diet were able to resolve the inflammation after a heart attack, even though their intestinal microflora had already been altered by the diet. In contrast, in older mice receiving the obesity-generating diet, heart attack caused unresolved inflammation. Such inflammation is associated with heart failure.

"Thus, the data clearly indicate that the obesity-generating diet develops an inflammatory microenvironment, even in young mice, which amplifies with aging," Halade said. "This study points out that diet and age are critical factors that have a differential impact with age, and it also highlights the spleen and heart as an inter-organ communication system with the body. immune defense system. "

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Material provided by University of Alabama in Birmingham. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.


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