Extraterrestrial life: the Moon's "fishing nets" as extraterrestrial evidence, according to Harvard astronomers | Science | New


The Moon is perhaps the most effective method for obtaining evidence of extraterrestrial life, proposed a new revolutionary scientific document. Professors Abraham Loeb and Manasvi Lingam, astronomers at Harvard, suggest in a new article how the lunar surface could serve as a "fishing net" for interstellar objects. Such objects outside our solar system could accumulate over time on the lunar surface and potentially store the living elements from living environments surrounding other stars.

The two men wrote in their article: "The absence of a lunar atmosphere guarantees that these messengers will not be consumed on the way, but that they will reach the lunar surface.

"Moreover, the geological inactivity of the Moon implies that the archives deposited on its surface are preserved and do not mingle with the deep lunar interior.

"Serving as a natural mailbox, the lunar surface has collected all the objects having an impact over the last billion years.

"Most of these" letters "came from our neighborhood within the solar system."

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Space scientists now know that the solar system also intercepts external objects from interstellar space.

These range from dust particles to planets and floating stars.

The first interstellar object, 'Oumuamua shaped cigar, 200 m long, made the headlines worldwide when it was first reported in 2017.

And earlier this year, another meteor was discovered in the form of a meteor the size of a meter outside the solar system, after being consumed in our atmosphere in 2014.

Assuming that these interstellaries enter the solar system on random trajectories, Professor Loeb and his team estimated the amount of interstellar material collected on the surface of the Moon during its history.

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And although the rocks of the moon were returned to Earth by NASA's Apollo mission, they were probably contaminated by human hands.

This explains why there is still to be discovered on the lunar surface interstellar impactors bearing the constituent elements of extraterrestrial life.

Professor Loeb wrote in Scientific American: "The fundamental question is whether distant life resembles the biochemical structures we find on Earth.

"The similarities may imply that there is a unique chemical path to life all over the world or that

life has been transferred between the systems.

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"Anyway, a lunar study has highlighted the need to send spacecraft on extremely long missions to visit other star systems.

Get similar information while traveling to the nearest star system: Alpha Centauri A, B or C would take almost nine years, even if the spacecraft had to move at the maximum speed allowed in nature, the speed of light.

Chemical rockets, on the other hand, could not make this trip until after a hundred thousand years, although the time since the first modern men began to emigrate from Africa.

Harvard astronomers conclude: "The excavation of the lunar surface in search of material evidence of terrestrial and terrestrial life is considerably faster."


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