Face masks and fully vaccinated people


It has been officially a year since the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued guidelines for two of the main COVID-19 mitigation measures in the United States: face masks and vaccinations. After almost 12 months of wearing face masks, scientists and researchers have learned a lot more about what qualities to look for in a mask that make it most effective, as well as what to avoid – we even have a standard. manufacturing process that brands of face masks can certify their effectiveness. Masks aside, with more than 2 million people getting vaccinated every day in the United States, the CDC has released recommendations on socializing dos and don’ts for fully vaccinated people.

Recent advice on masks and vaccinations has surfaced as states like Texas, Mississippi, Iowa and Montana lifted their mask warrants. Public spaces such as restaurants, gyms and schools are also reopening across the country, some with limited capacity and others allowing free and pre-pandemic levels. Still, medical experts are urging people to take safety measures to arm themselves against the coronavirus, including double-masking and investing in respirators like the KN95s, as well as maintaining physical distancing, washing clothes. hands frequently and regular application of hand sanitizer.

To simplify the latest CDC news, we’ve broken down what you need to know about the latest face mask tips and recommendations for fully vaccinated people, all just put it together.

We’ve also included a list of products you might want to have on hand at this point in the pandemic, including Shopping Reader’s Favorite Masks, Air Purifiers, and more.

CDC Face Mask Guidance

Although face mask mandates vary from state to state, they are now mandatory on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation at destination, inside or outside. in the United States, as well as in transportation hubs such as airports, bus stations, and train stations. Overall, the CDC recommends that people wear masks in public places, at events and gatherings, and wherever they will be with other people.

In February, ASTM International, a voluntary standards organization, released a standard specification for protective masks, which helps establish specific requirements for the design and performance of masks. Brands and manufacturers can bring their face masks to a lab to be tested in accordance with the ASTM standard. If a mask passes testing, it can be labeled with the ASTM standard, which signals buyers that it meets high levels of effectiveness.

HALOLIFE brand face masks are among the only ones on the market that currently meet the ASTM standard. To help you rate masks while shopping, the CDC has created a list of mask characteristics to look for, suggesting masks …

  1. Have two or more layers in washable and breathable fabric
  2. Completely cover the nose and mouth
  3. Well adjusted against the side of your face, under your chin and nose, leaving no space
  4. Equip a adjustable nose thread to prevent air from escaping

Avoid wearing masks that …

  1. Are made of fabric that makes it difficult to breathe, like vinyl
  2. Equip exhalation valves or vents
  3. Are intended for health workers, such as N95 respirators

As for gaiters, the CDC says they can be used as a proper face covering as long as they have two layers or they can be folded into two layers. Face shields, however, cannot be worn on their own – they can be worn in combination with a mask. Additionally, scarves, ski masks, and balaclavas can be worn over masks, but cannot serve as a single face cover.

CDC Tips for Fully Immunized People

The CDC released its first set of recommendations for fully vaccinated people on March 8, including guidelines for visiting others and guidelines for isolation, quarantine and testing. People are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose of a series of two-dose vaccines such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after receiving a single-dose vaccine such as the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine. .

Fully immunized people who participate in social activities in public places such as gyms, offices, restaurants and shops should take the necessary precautions. Regardless of your vaccination status, you must wear a face mask, keep at least 6 feet physical distance from others, avoid crowds, and avoid poorly ventilated spaces. The CDC also advises against unnecessary travel, as well as medium and large gatherings.

Vaccinated people can, however, socialize with other vaccinated people in private places like homes, as well as with unvaccinated people who are at low risk of severe Covid-19. The CDC says the level of precautions taken should be determined by the characteristics of unvaccinated people since they are not protected against the coronavirus – in other words, determining what safety measures are needed based on who is less sure. of the room.

According to CDC guidelines, “Indoor visits between fully vaccinated people who are not wearing masks or who are not physically distant from each other are likely low risk. Fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people at low risk of severe Covid can also spend time together ‘without anyone wearing a mask’, and the same is true for unvaccinated people of a single household, all of whom are at low risk for severe Covid.

However, when interacting between fully vaccinated people and anyone at risk for severe COVID-19, everyone should “take precautions, including wearing a properly fitted mask, staying at least six feet from others, and visiting. outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. space, ”according to the CDC. The same precautions must be taken if one or more members of the same household are at risk of severe Covid. As for the interactions between vaccinated and unvaccinated people several households at the same time, everyone should take precautions. “If the unvaccinated people come from multiple households,” notes the CDC, “there is a higher risk of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 among them.”

What to keep on hand during the pandemic

Unlike the start of the pandemic, when face masks and hand sanitizers were hard to come by, retailers now offer a variety of different options, allowing you to stock up. Here are a few products you might want to keep at home to protect yourself against the coronavirus – we’ve filtered them down to the most purchased products we’ve covered based on recommendations from the CDC and medical experts.

Most purchased KN95 Mask: WWDOLL KN95 Mask

These KN95 masks are Amazon bestsellers and come from a manufacturer on the Food and Drug Administration’s List of Imported Non-NIOSH Approved Authorized Respirators Made in China. The masks come in packs of 25. They are designed with five layers of fabric and feature elastic earrings as well as an adjustable nose bridge. Face masks are available in black and pink, as well as white and multi-color, although they are currently out of stock.

Most purchased disposable mask: PM Performotor disposable masks

Sold in sets of 50, these disposable masks are designed with three layers of non-woven fiber fabric to filter out small particles while providing breathability. They have an adjustable nose bridge and are available in eight colors: black, white, green, orange, purple, red, yellow and silver.

Most Popular Reusable Mask: Maxboost Sheet Face Mask

The Maxboost fabric face mask is available in two sizes: Unisize Medium / Large and Extra Large. The mask is made of two layers of fabric and it has a curved 3D design with center seams, which creates a space between the mask and the mouth so that it is easy to speak. It is also built with an adjustable nose bridge and adjustable earrings. The masks come in a pack of three.

Most Popular Exercise Mask: Under Armor UA SportsMask

The Under Armor face mask is designed with three layers of fabric, including an inner layer of the brand’s Iso-Chill fabric that is cool against the skin. The mask has an adjustable nose bridge as well as a fabric band on the top which eliminates the spaces between the skin and the mask. It is available in five sizes – Extra Small / Small, Small / Medium, Medium / Large, Large / Extra Large and Extra Large / Extra Extra Large – as well as three colors: black / charcoal, slate purple / arctic pink and red. / Chrome silver.

Most Popular Face Shield: Muryobao Safety Face Shield

This face shield provides protection along the entire length of your face and its wrap-around design also provides protection to the sides of the face. It has a foam band that rests on your forehead, as well as an adjustable elastic band to best fit your face. The face shield is also treated with an anti-fog and anti-static coating to improve visibility through the clear plastic barrier.

Most Purchased Air Purifier: Germ Guardian True HEPA Air Purifier

Germ Gaurdian’s air purifier captures up to 99.7% of dust and allergens as small as 0.3 microns. The air purifier has a true HEPA filter that captures dust mites, pollen and pet dander, as well as a pre-filter and carbon filter to absorb odors and trap large dust particles and animal hair. animals. The air purifier is also built with UV-C light which helps kill airborne viruses. It can purify the air in rooms up to 153 square feet and has three speed settings to choose from.

Most Popular Hand Sanitizer: Germ-X ​​Hand Sanitizer

When soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60% ethyl alcohol. Germ-X ​​Hand Sanitizer contains 62% ethyl alcohol and also contains vitamin E to moisturize hands. The brand claims it kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria in about 15 seconds. Hand sanitizer comes in a variety of sizes, including larger 32-ounce containers or 3-ounce travel-size containers.

Learn about the latest guides and recommendations from NBC News Shopping, and download the NBC News app for comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.


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