Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg is not responsible, calls for the dissolution of the government


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By Ben Popken

A co-founder of Facebook is calling on the government to dismantle the technology giant in an opinion piece published in the New York Times on Thursday morning.

"The Facebook that exists today is not the Facebook we founded in 2004," said Chris Hughes, who started Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg in their Harvard dorm, following the publication of his article on the same subject.

"And the one we have today, I think, is way too big. It's way too powerful. And more importantly, its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is not responsible, "Hughes said of his former business partner, whom he again called a" friend. "

To learn more about this interview, listen to NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt at 6:30 pm. AND.

"I have been friends with Mark and many other Facebook people for a long time. And you know, who knows? We can always be friends, we can not be friends. You may have disagreements with certain types of friends. And then there are friends you can not, "said Hughes.

Hughes joins a growing group of privacy advocates and right-wing and left-wing politicians, including Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Presidential Candidate, and Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who have called for a federal antitrust action against Facebook.


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