Social media networks currently exist in juxtaposition; Their main goal is to keep people engaged as long as possible, but due to population pressure, they are also implementing features to limit dependency. Facebook seems to be experimenting with hiding as accounts, similar to what Instagram has been owning Facebook.

Jane Manchun Wong discovered the functionality in dismantling an application. It works in much the same way as the similar hiding functionality experienced by Instagram: the amount of "mentions" that a publication receives is invisible to everyone, except for the creator of the publication.

Following this report, TechCrunch asked Facebook for more information, and the company confirmed that the concealment is under development. However, the feature is not yet available to all users. It could therefore always be modified before the final deployment (if any).

The goal here is to reduce competition for social media interactions, although I wonder what the benefit of this implementation would be if the creator could still see the amount. Facebook is the last company that I would trust to get all the features related to wellness, but if it helps even a person, I will not complain.
