Facebook gives users more control over content with the feed filter bar


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Erin Scott | Reuters

Facebook is introducing a new feature that will make it easier for users to choose the content that appears in their news feed.

The new feature, announced on Wednesday, is called a power filter bar. Rather than relying solely on Facebook’s algorithms to determine what they see, users will now be able to switch between viewing algorithmically categorized content, the most recent posts, and updates from their favorite friends and pages. that they follow.

While Facebook already allows users to see their feed ranked by the most recent posts or those created by best friends, these options are buried deep within the app and hard to find. The feed filter bar will make them easily visible.

The feature will roll out to Android users on Wednesday, and it will be available to iOS users “in the coming weeks,” Facebook said.

The new feature was announced Wednesday in a 5,000-word essay posted by Nick Clegg, Facebook’s vice president of global affairs and communications. The message was titled “You and the Algorithm: Tango Takes Two”.

Facebook is also planning to introduce more ways for users to understand why content is showing up in their feed. It includes a “Why am I seeing this?” functionality, which is similar to a function that allows Internet users to see why an ad is being shown to them.

The company will further unveil more information centers to show users “authoritative information in more areas where there is a clear societal benefit,” Clegg wrote in the post. In 2020, Facebook introduced hubs to provide users with accurate information on Covid-19, the 2020 US elections, and climate change. Clegg said a racial justice center will arrive this year.

LOOK: Facebook battles with Apple over user privacy features in iOS update


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