We all know Facebook and its main messaging service, Messenger. It started life as a messaging component of the social network Facebook, and while it still is, it is now its standalone service, can be used without a Facebook account, and has acquired a lot of features. Messenger might not be everyone’s cup of tea – it sure isn’t mine – but it’s still a massive app with a multi-billion user base. This month, it celebrates its 10th anniversary and Facebook takes the opportunity to present some new features.

One of the new features introduced in the app is Poll Games. It’s not really something that will improve functionality, but it still looks cool if you’re doing group chats with friends. It allows you to play games and ask your friends who in the group is “most likely” to do certain things. The app can give you prompts to get started, or you can create your own as well.

What is the best birthday present? It’s true: hard money. You can now send cash gifts on someone’s birthday, directly through the app, powered by Facebook’s own payment framework, Facebook Pay. This giveaway can be instantly deposited into the other person’s bank account once they confirm their Facebook Pay information.

Finally, you now also have the option to share contacts through Messenger. Whereas the way to do it previously was to send someone’s Facebook profile link, now you can share a Messenger contact directly to WhatsApp with someone else by holding someone’s name and tapping on “Share contact”.

These features are expected to arrive for Facebook Messenger users in the coming weeks or months, along with special birthday effects, themes, and stickers. Facebook likes to take its time to come up with new features, so don’t be surprised if you don’t see them all yet. We haven’t spotted any of these new ones on Android yet either – which is why we’re using iOS screenshots – but they should be available on all platforms once Facebook starts flipping the switch for more people. .