Fallen Giant | Science



The story of the Arecibo telescope collapse is now well known. On August 10, 2020, a steel cable supporting a 900 ton instrument platform above the antenna broke at one end and fell, slicing into the antenna. A second support cable broke on November 6, and the National Science Foundation said attempting to repair was too dangerous: Arecibo would be dismantled. On December 1, fate took control as more cables snapped and the platform crashed into the antenna. The loss has appalled scientists around the world. Although 57 years old, Arecibo was still a scientific pioneer. The public, familiar with the majestic dish of films such as Contact and Golden eye, also felt the loss. And it was a blow to the people of Puerto Rico, who agreed to host the technological marvel. Some experts believe that manufacturing defects or poor maintenance have doomed the suspension cables. Others blame declining funding levels. But astronomers are looking to the future. Last month, researchers announced plans for a new $ 400 million telescope at the same site.


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