Fauci says Bret Baier masks may start to wear off when ‘virus level is so low, it’s not a threat at all’


Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Monday he was not sure when he would support ending requirements for Americans to wear masks, but said it was “conceivable” that he would support the withdrawal of certain “health measures public ”by the end of the fall.

“Will there be a time when we don’t have a mask?” Fox News’ Bret Baier Fauci asked in an evening interview. “What time is this?” If you had to guess – go to a sports match, go to the theater, go to a concert without a mask?

The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases replied, “It will really depend on how we reduce the level of the virus in the community. If we can get – and I used this as an estimate, it’s not definitive – if we can get 70 to 85 percent of the population vaccinated and get what we hope is a degree of herd immunity which is really an umbrella or a veil of protection… where the virus level is so low that it’s not a threat at all, then at that point you can start to think in terms of not having to wear a mask uniform.

“But we are certainly not there yet,” he added. “When do I think this will happen?” It’s very hard to predict, Bret, but if everything falls into the right place and we get the situation under control, it’s conceivable that you might be able to take some public health steps back a bit as the end approaches. of autumn. of this year. But there is no guarantee of this.

Fauci, who sadly said at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in March that there was ‘no reason to walk around with a mask’, began calling on Americans to wear masks in the following months . In January, he advised Americans to start wearing two masks, telling NBC News in an interview, “If you have a physical coating with one diaper you put on another, it makes sense that it’s probably more effective. This is the reason why you see people doing double masking or doing a version of an N95. “

Some jurisdictions have nonetheless started to relax mask regulations, including Iowa, where the government. Kim reynolds (R) this month, eliminated rules requiring the wearing of masks, in addition to ending limits on the number of people who can congregate in bars and restaurants.

Watch above via Fox News.

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