Fauci urges Americans to weigh the risks ahead of Thanksgiving


Dr Anthony Fauci on Sunday urged Americans to weigh the risks and “make their own decision” before meeting for Thanksgiving amid the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the country.

“I think the people of this country need to realistically perform a risk-benefit assessment,” Fauci told NBC presenter Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press”.

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said families must determine who would be at the table for the holiday meal and whether those guests are at high risk of contracting a severe case of the virus.

“Every family is different. Everyone has a different level of risk that they want to tolerate, ”Fauci said.

“But when you think of the holiday season and gathering indoors for innocent and charming functions, like dining with family and friends, you have to at least think in terms of valuation, do you have old people in your family? , who might have underlying conditions, like someone on chemotherapy, or other things that weaken their immune system?

He said families should also consider the travel logistics involved and how that could put someone at risk for the virus.

“Do you really want to attract a crowd of 10, 15, 20 people, many of whom are from places they’ve gone from crowded airports, to planes, entering the house?” he said.

Fauci said that while some choose to host guests, they should “at least give you and your family the benefit of having thought through the risks-benefits of doing so.

“You just have to think about it and make your own decision,” he says.


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