FBI Agent Turns Into Viral Video Nightclub


The FBI surrenders after the video of him is viral, showing his firearm being unloaded following a backflip.

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35 thoughts on “FBI Agent Turns Into Viral Video Nightclub”

  1. Dude.. new sub.. you got me good with the Justin Trudow eyebrow fiasco… plus all of the other clips you played… Poor Canada… they must be so embarrassed!
    Now as far as this situation goes… well, well, well… The FBI has been in quite a bit of hot water recently… thier bias in the Clinton case… thier bias in an attempt to subvert the 16 Election… thier agents sending texts and emails saying some quite biased things about Trump & Trump supporters… and ON AND ON…
    Now we have an idiot agent bringing a loaded/chambered gun into a nightclub and doing gymnastics with said gun in his pocket… and ultimately SHOOTING an innocent bystander… talk about unprofessional and untrained… this can't be protocol… a gun with a bullet in the chamber in a nite club in his pocket… somehow I feel he's broken a few essential rules here… definitely fire his idiot ass (we DO NOT need agents like this moron) and give him a little time to reflect on his bad choices…
    this story is ridiculous! you really can't make this stuff up!??

  2. There is no way a highly trained military officer, and trained FBI agent would put a firearm in his pants without the safety on befoe leaving his house and entering a tasting distillary. Was this a beer distillary? What took so long for the victim to realize he had a bullet hit his leg from a Glock firearm? How did he notice "brown" gun powder on his black pants? Isn't gun powder black like burnt coal? There's always improbable evidence concealed in these "shooting incidents." Has the man's identity actually been verified as an FBI Agent? Even an impaired, highly trained military officer and FBI agent can think more clearly than most morons. He had total control of his body and mind when he performed a perfect back flip…but forgot to turn his safety on before putting the gun in his pants? There are too many concealed carry devices that are almost undetectable just under the front pant leg. Will be interested in the follow up on this story. Was the spark a blank? The agenda to disarm the public is manifested in very sneaky ways. We must first use critical thinking before believing any story like this. This guy was not a Captain in the military without well above average thinking skills and self control. The FBI did not hire a fast and loose liability waiting to happen. The odds are highly unlikely this is true. But then every 3 thousand years Nibiru allegedly passes by earth. Can believe a police officer could make this mistake if he was a rooky.

  3. A Glock strikes again. Why anyone would want a striker fired, safety free gun is beyond me. I carry a hammer fired double action gun with no safety. The first pull is extremely heavy which prevents accidental discharges.

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