FDA reports seizures in young vapers


The US Food and Drug Administration warned that it had been reported that teenagers had seizures after being sprayed.

"Seizures or seizures are potential side effects of nicotine intoxication and have been reported in the scientific literature regarding the intentional or accidental ingestion of nicotine-containing electronic liquids," said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA Commissioner, in a press release. At present, an agency review has uncovered 35 cases of seizures reported as a result of the use of electronic cigarettes between 2010 and early 2019.

Security concerns

"While 35 cases may not seem like much compared to the total number of people using e-cigarettes, we are nevertheless concerned about these reported cases," added Gottlieb. "We also recognize that not all cases can be reported.We believe that these 35 cases warrant a scientific investigation to determine if there is actually a link."

Gottlieb pointed out that health officials still do not know for sure that vaping can trigger seizures, but "we share this early information with the public because, as a public health agency, it is our responsibility to communicate about the potential safety issues associated with the products we regulate … "

With the 35 seizure cases, there is no clear trend, noted Gottlieb.

"For example, seizures have been reported among new users of electronic cigarettes and experienced users," he said. "In a few cases, e-cigarette users reported a history of seizure diagnosis.Some reported cases indicated that seizures had occurred in association with the use of other substances such as marijuana or seizures. amphetamines, puffs or until one day after use. "

A tobacco expert said the link deserved to be studied.

Nicotine levels may be unknown

"Research shows that high levels of nicotine can have significant health effects, including seizures," said Andrea Spatarella, a doctor of nursing at Northwell Health's Center for Tobacco Control in Great Neck. State of New York.

"The user of the vaping device may not know or deceive about the actual concentration of nicotine, thus exposing them to a potential risk," she said.

"Further investigation into a possible link between nicotine overdose with vaping devices and the development of seizures could provide additional insights into the safety of these devices," added Spatarella.

A neurologist said doctors would now be alert to this potential danger of vaping.

When a person has a seizure, "the medical community will ask about the triggers," said Dr. Derek Chong, head of neurology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. The FDA's new warning "will lead the medical community to now add e-cigarettes and their content, as well as their quantity, to the list of questions that we will specifically question ourselves during the evaluation of the e-cigarettes." someone who has had a crisis, "he said. .

This is not the first health problem related to electronic cigarettes. Problems related to lung health have already been raised regarding the chemicals in the vapor that are inhaled when using electronic cigarettes, Gottlieb noted. And research published in January suggests that vaping can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Nicotine is not a harmless substance

In the last two years, the FDA has been trying to stem the huge ejaculation spikes among teenagers.

Last month, the agency announced that it would continue its efforts to limit sales of certain types of flavored vaping products to minors.

Under the new rules, most forms of flavored electronic cigarettes would only be sold in stores that check the age of the customer when he enters the store, or the store should have one. area reserved for the elderly reserved for vaping products. Companies that do not comply with this rule could see their products withdrawn from the market, the agency said at the time.

"We know that nicotine is not a harmless substance, especially in the developing brain of our youth," Gottlieb said. "We know that initiation and nicotine addiction by nonsmokers – mainly young people and young adults – raise public health problems, and these are among the many reasons why we believe so strongly that No child should use a tobacco product. "

The FDA has encouraged the public to report cases of people who have used e-cigarettes and made a seizure by visiting the FDA website.

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