FDA to make decision to allow booster injection for immunocompromised


U.S. Food and Drug Administration set to allow COVID-19 booster shots for certain people with weakened immune systems, people familiar with the matter said, a change in U.S. vaccination strategy while the Delta variant increases the cases of infection.

The agency could make a decision as early as Thursday and possibly by Friday, one of the people said.

The agency is moving closer to authorization of a recall amid evidence that vaccines are less effective at protecting people immunocompromised from Covid-19 than they are at protecting the general population.

Some public health experts and vaccine makers have also recommended boosters if needed for larger sections of the population to maintain strong protection against newer variants of the coronavirus, and because some preliminary research indicates that vaccines can lose value. their effectiveness over time.

The Biden administration is expected to present a plan for the boosters by early September.


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