Featured: a boxed jellyfish antivenom, the quest for blue and the new wolves at Isle Royale | Science



By Alex Fox

Researchers could have antidote to the world's deadliest jellyfish sting

The sting of a jellyfish can kill a person in minutes. Scientists have long sought to discover the secret of its fast-acting venom, which also causes agony, inflammation and heart attacks. A new study may have the answer – and a potential antidote.

Meet the blue crew, scientists trying to give food, flowers and more a color rarely found in nature

The quest for blue pigments – whose complex chemistry makes them rare in nature and difficult to synthesize – goes back thousands of years. Most have been discovered by accident or are simply synthetic versions of blues already found in nature. In 2009, a chemist came across the first new inorganic blue pigment in 200 years. Today, other researchers are pursuing this quest by methodically using physics, chemistry and genetics to create a new blues that will dazzle us.

Imported wolves settle while Lake Superior Island is full of moose

Thirteen new radio collar wolves are currently exploring Isle Royale, Michigan, and are feasting on moose, which has reached 2060 this winter. restore the United States National Park from destruction by moose, largely avoid the territory of the remaining two wolves of the original population of Isle Royale. Twenty moose females also wear a radio collar, which allows biologists to follow online movements of the wolf and moose.

This shrimp-like creature makes aluminum armor to survive the overwhelming pressure of the deep sea.

Amphipods, small shrimp-like crustaceans in most aquatic ecosystems, begin to disintegrate as soon as they reach depths of 4,500 meters. There, a combination of overwhelming pressures, low temperatures and a higher acidity causes the calcium carbonate to dissolve in their exoskeletons, making them vulnerable to pressure and predators. Now scientists have discovered how a species, Hirondellea gigas, can survive in the deepest part of the ocean: with armor of aluminum.

Neanderthals may have trapped golden eagles 130,000 years ago

The Golden Eagle has been hunted and revered by human cultures for thousands of years. Yet it may not have been human-only devotion: Neanderthals could also have targeted these impressive birds of prey 130,000 years ago, according to new research. In addition, modern humans may have learned their eagle capture techniques from their homin cousins.


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