Fecal transplantation reduces by nearly 50% the symptoms of autism in children


Children with ASD who received healthy donor intestinal bacteria through microbiota transfer therapy experienced improved behavior and digestive symptoms. The fecal transplant therefore has a therapeutic potential for children with ASD who also have gastrointestinal problems. ( Shireen Dooling )

Fecal transplantation appears to be a promising treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a condition that currently affects about one in 59 children in the United States.

The disease is characterized by repetitive behaviors, as well as communication difficulties and social skills.

Microbes in the intestine

The microbiome is the collection of microbes in the intestines that play a role in the digestion of food, the immune system and the control of harmful bacteria.

Recent studies have shown that the gut microbiome also affects brain communication and neurological health, which can trigger various diseases.

Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, of Arizona State University, and her colleagues involved 18 children with ASD to study the link between the gut microbiome and autism-like behaviors.

The children had previously undergone microbiota transfer therapy (MTT), a special type of stool graft whereby they received a healthy intestinal bacteria from a donor.

Gastrointestinal problems in children with autism

Prior to treatment, participants aged 7 to 17 years also suffered from moderate to severe gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, indigestion and abdominal pain since childhood.

After treatment, the children showed a marked improvement in behavior and digestive symptoms.

Many autistic children also suffer from gastrointestinal problems and studies have shown that these children tended to have more severe symptoms related to autism. The researchers said that in many cases, when these gastrointestinal problems are treated, the behavior also improves.

"We find a very strong link between the microbes that live in our intestines and the signals that go to the brain," said Krajmalnik-Brown.

45% reduction in ASD symptoms

In the new study, researchers found that two years after treatment. initial improvements in intestinal symptoms remained. Participants also showed a slow but steady reduction in ASD symptoms. Central symptoms of ASD were reduced by 45% two years after treatment.

"Our findings demonstrate the safety and long-term efficacy of MTT as a potential treatment for treating children with ASD with gastrointestinal problems, and warrant in the future a trial to double blind placebo controlled, "the researchers wrote in their study.

The results were published in the journal Scientific reports April 9th.

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