Federal Court rejects challenge to Mueller's legitimacy


The court agreed with the decision of a trial judge that Miller should be found in contempt of court and detained for refusing to testify under a subpoena to appear before Mueller's grand jury.

The court said that Mueller was legally appointed special advocate by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May 2017. Mueller had conducted an investigation into the grand jury under his legal jurisdiction, the court said in his opinion.

Miller's challenge was to ascertain whether Mueller could summon witnesses to a grand jury and institute other prosecutions. At least one other opponent of the Mueller inquiry, the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting, had followed Miller's challenge closely, which would be a relief from his own criminal charge, against which society continues to fight.

The Circuit Judges of DC stated that Rosenstein, who became acting Attorney General following the challenge of Attorney General Jeff Sessions from the investigation conducted in Russia, had the opportunity to appoint Mueller under the Constitution.

"The special adviser Mueller actually serves at the discretion of an executive executive who has been appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate," wrote the DC Circuit in a 16-page notice.

Constituency Judith Rogers wrote the notice on behalf of the group, which also included Judges Sri Srinivasan and Karen Henderson. They were completely in agreement.

"The unanimous decision of the DC circuit is not really surprising, as all the federal judges who reviewed these challenges to Mueller's appointment were rejected," said Stephen Vladeck, CNN's Supreme Court analyst and professor. at the Law School of the University of Texas. "It's still important because it's the first decision of this type made by a court of appeal – and a particularly important court of appeal.

Miller has the opportunity to decide on his next move and decide if he will continue to appeal.

"We are disappointed with the decision and we will consider future litigation, whether before the court of appeal or the Supreme Court," said Paul Kamenar, Miller's lawyer, after reading the notice on Tuesday morning.

Last summer, Miller handed over documents to Mueller investigators. He had worked with Stone over the years, including in 2016, when he had accompanied him to the Republican National Convention and had received money from Stone's Super PAC for consulting work. .
Kamenar learned from Mueller's team that Miller's testimony was still needed after Stone's arrest for tampering, hindering and lying before Congress last month. This indicated that Mueller 's grand jury investigation on Stone could still be active and work on other indictments. The grand jury has not been seen in a meeting since the day it approved Stone 's indictment.

Previously, four federal lower court judges, including one appointed by President Donald Trump, had approved Mueller's work after the special advocate had been challenged in court. Miller's case is the second time that Mueller's grand jury investigation has been heard in a summons to appear before the court of appeal. In another suit, a foreign-owned corporation lost the bet of a summons for the summer of 2018. The company is now asking the US Supreme Court to consider this case. .

At the end of 2017, two witnesses – a lawyer and a real estate agent – were informed that they had to testify in the Paul Manafort case or be the subject of a contempt proceeding. court. Both provided information to the office of the special advocate.


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