Final Fantasy fan takes home all franchise trophies, and it took a decade


A screenshot from Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade showing Yuffie grabbing a material.

A screenshot from Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade showing Yuffie grabbing a material.

Materia, trophies, same difference.

On November 1, 2010, Talan Kirk, who goes through Rebourne07 on Reddit and PSN, unlocked his first trophy in Final Fantasy XIII for the PlayStation 3. On August 8, 2021, he unlocked the last trophy introduced in Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade‘s DLC, making him the only person in the world to collect all of the PSN trophies from each Final fantasy Game.

In a post on Reddit two years ago, Rebourne07 celebrated being one of only two people in the world to earn all Final Fantasy trophies, sharing the accolade with a player called SkullRobot. Since this post, Square Enix has published several Final fantasy games on PS4, including the remaster of Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy VII remake, and the remastered version of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. While these games are relatively easy for other trophy hunters to play, there are also the PlayStation 5 versions of Final Fantasy VII Remake and the MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, each with their own set of trophies.

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Talk to Kotaku About his achievement which won him a trophy, Rebourne07 said that before the release of Final Fantasy XIV on the PlayStation 5 earlier this year, there were between 12 and 15 players with all Final fantasy achievements for the games in the North American region. Since the introduction of the PS5 version, only 10 players have won all of the game’s achievements. Rebourne07’s closest competitor, a player by the name of DoctorTaco, currently has two Final Fantasy XIV The PS5 achievements far from joining him at the top.

A screenshot of Rebourne07's PSN profile stats.

A screenshot of Rebourne07’s PSN profile stats.

That’s a lot of trophies.

As you might expect, Rebourne07 had to work really hard to win. In Final Fantasy XIV: A Kingdom Reborn for the PS4, he had to participate in 1,000 destinies, small special events that players can earn for experience points. The PS5 version added a new trophy, bringing the required number of fates to 3,000, as well as another new trophy requiring him to collect 8,000 collectibles as a craftsman. On top of all that he had to play Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, his favorite FF game, twice. This is once for the free version and once for the full retail version. He was expected to win at least 300 ranked online matches. I could barely play 30, let alone win them. All this while juggling his three children, a marriage and a job as a software engineer? No thanks.

Thanks for doubling Dissidia, and Final Fantasy XIV appearing on two consoles with different trophy sets, Rebourne07 no longer recommends others to try to follow in his footsteps. Of course, you are all free to try. It only took him a decade because he was playing the games as they were released. His rough estimate of hours spent is over 3,000, or less than six months, not counting sleep. Come on, go for it.


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