First glimpse of Tesla's new driving visualization


Tesla is currently offering a new software update with a redesign of the driving display produced by its autopilot system. Today, we have a quick preview with a new video.

As we announced earlier this month, Tesla has started to integrate a new software update (2019.16) into its fleet, with many updates to its Sentry mode and its features. driving visualization, as well as some new features.

Tesla wrote about the new driving visualization in the release notes:

"Driving Visualization has been adjusted to automatically zoom in and out to make better use of screen space and inform you when a vehicle is detected in your blind spot." Visualization remains reduced when driving on the motorway. "

The update seems to be slowly coming off the list of advance access owners who had tested it in beta.

Model 3 owner Daniel Spalding understood and published a video showing the new driving visualization:

We can see the new transition between different angles as a function of speed, as Tesla mentioned in the notes, but it also seems to have other modifications.

The rendering of model 3 itself seems to have been updated in more detail. This looks like a more accurate version of the owner's car.

In addition, the rendering rotates and displays an angle as the vehicle rotates.

Tesla seems to be taking advantage of its comprehensive self-driving program since Tesla's recent self-driving demo, which also features new autopilot graphics.

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