Flat Earthers are considering a strange trip to Antarctica to prove the conspiracy theory


The conspiracy theorists are heading towards "the end of the world" in a strange attempt to prove that the Earth is not a sphere.

The Flat Earthers plan is to travel to Antarctica to find the ice barrier that they believe marks the limits of our world.

The so-called "wall of ice" would be two thousand feet high, 164 feet high and surround the entire planet.

Next year's trip – details of which are kept secret – is organized by the Earth Earth International Conference (FEIC).

Even YouTube star Logan Paul wants to be part of the expedition to "find the facts" behind the dubious theories.

Robbie Davidson, founder of FEIC, told Forbes: "If you take a globe and crush it, Antarctica would circle the Earth.

"It's a bit like an ice shore and it's very, very big. It's not like you're going there and you can take a look at it.

"We do not believe anything can fall from the edge, because a large part of the flatland community believes we are in a dome, like a snow globe.

"So, the sun, the moon and the stars are all inside. It is very high but everything is contained inside. So, there is no way to actually fall off the ground. "

But many are quick to say that the ship that ships them will use navigation equipment that counts on Earth as a sphere.

Global positioning systems, in particular, use a network of satellites orbiting the Earth to locate and locate its location.

Henk Keijer, captain of a long-standing cruise ship, commented on the FEIC projects in a Guardian article.

"I have traveled two million kilometers, roughly," he said.

"I've never met a sea captain who believes that the Earth is flat."

Some people think that the world is flat because they can not see a curve in the photos or during their travels.

Others claim that images showing the world as a sphere are generated on a computer and are not actually taken from space.

A general consensus at Flat Earthers is that the idea of ​​the round world is a way for NASA to fool society and governments to keep control.

The Flat Earth Society suggests that "the space agencies of the world" have conspired to simulate a "journey into space" to hide the "greatest secret" of the Earth.

"It probably started during the cold war," says the Flat Earth Society.

"The USSR and the United States were obsessed with hitting space to simulate their exploits in an attempt to keep pace."

The FEIC has not responded to requests for additional information on the Flat Earth cruise.


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