Florida doctor says she will no longer accept in-person visits from unvaccinated patients


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coronavirus CDC U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 community spread indicates peak increases florida delta 20,000 new cases daily record pandemic weekend high transmission rate mask guidance

A doctor in Florida said she would no longer accept in-person visits from patients not vaccinated against the coronavirus.

In a letter to her patients, Lisa Marracini said she will no longer continue in-person services for unvaccinated patients as of September 15, NBC Miami reported.

Marracini wrote that his practice “will no longer subject our patients and staff to unnecessary risk”.

“This is a public health emergency – the health of the public takes priority over the rights of any given individual in this situation,” Marracini wrote, according to the outlet.

“There appears to be a lack of altruism and concern for the burden our meetings have on the health and well-being of our society,” she continued.

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In a separate interview with News week, Marracini said unvaccinated patients will still be treated via virtual meetings. She also said she would always make exceptions if patients were unable to get vaccinated due to difficulties or needed prescriptions.

Marracini told the media that his policy does not violate the Hippocratic Oath because its policies are in the best interests of its patients, some of whom are immunocompromised or on chemotherapy.

“The Hippocratic Oath is very scientific. I am the science. I apply it for the benefit of the sick,” Marracini told Newsweek.

Marracini’s policy comes as Florida becomes the epicenter of the latest wave of coronavirus fueled by the Delta variant.

The Sunshine State reported 129,240 cases and 433 deaths for the week of August 27 to September 7. 2, according to state data out on friday. Fifty-five percent of the state’s population has been fully immunized, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Marracini is not the first doctor to announce such a policy. Jason Valentine, a doctor from Alabama, said in mid August that he would no longer see unvaccinated patients from October 1.


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