Foods that lower blood pressure


Dairy products are not suitable for everyone, but if you can tolerate it, know that a study involving more than 2,500 people – whose blood pressure is normal and followed for 14.6 years – has shown that week compared to less than one serving, the increase in blood pressure was slower. In other words, the consumption of dairy products retards hypertension but does not completely prevent it.

A meta-analysis also showed that low-fat milk products and milk reduced the risk of hypertension while cheese, yogurt, fermented milk products and whole milk had no effect. A subsequent systematic review was accepted, but the authors concluded that it was unclear whether low-fat dairy products were more beneficial than regular dairy products in blood pressure.

If you can tolerate dairy products, eat them daily or weekly as this may help reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure. If you can not tolerate it because of food sensitivities, allergies, digestive discomfort or autoimmune problems, do not worry. You can get benefits from other foods on this list.


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