Former surgeon general says CDC mask guidelines are ‘premature’ and ‘wrong’


Former US Surgeon General Jerome AdamsJerome Adams Former surgeon general said CDC advice on masks was ‘premature’ and ‘bad’ said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for lifting masks for fully vaccinated Americans were “premature” and “false.”

Adams, who served in the role under the former President TrumpDonald Trump Former Surgeon General Says CDC Mask Guidelines “Premature” and “Bad” Biden Calls on Congress to Pass Voting Bills on Anniversary of Death John Lewis Cuba, Haiti pose major challenges for Florida Democrats MORE, said in a long Twitter thread that he was concerned the CDC would make its decision prematurely amid the rise of the Delta variant.

“Last year [Anthony] Fauci and I have notoriously, prematurely, and wrongly advised against masks. I felt it was the best call back then, but now I regret it. I’m afraid the CDC has also made an equally premature, misinterpreted, but still damaging call for masking in the face of the Delta variant, ”Adams said.

Adams’ comment comes amid a wave of coronavirus infections in the United States driven by the spread of the delta strain. These epidemics have concentrated in areas with low vaccination rates.

CDC Director Rochelle WalenskyRochelle Walensky Former Surgeon General Says CDC Mask Guidelines “Premature” and “Bad” LA County Sheriff Says Restored Mask Mandate “Not Backed By Science” Choctaw Nation Oklahoma reimposes mask mandate for visitors to tribal health facilities MORE said friday that the rise was an “unvaccinated pandemic,” noting that almost all hospitalizations and deaths are in unvaccinated people.

But Los Angeles County and Las Vegas have the two mandated residents wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status.

Adams compared the current situation to how federal mask guidelines changed last year.

The former surgeon general said earlier guidelines against masks were “based on the science and conditions of the day.” Even though science changed, people thought masks didn’t work, he said.

“What @CDCgov said was based on science and conditions at the time, and amounted to ‘you’re safe IF you vax it OR hide it,’” Adams said. “The conditions (increasing cases) and the science (delta variant) have changed, but what people heard and remembered is that the masks were no longer needed.”

Adams said: “The sooner the CDC said we messed up and hit the reset button, the better. Believe me, I know more than anyone.

He added that the CDC should advise people to get vaccinated and wear masks in areas with the highest COVID-19 cases until the numbers start to drop.

“CDC was well intentioned, but the message was misinterpreted, premature and wrong. Let’s fix it, ”he said.


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