COLUMBUS (WRBL) – Many cases of Streptococcus A – better known as Strep – have been reported at Fort Benning this month, according to information provided to News 3 by the postal agents.
Fort Benning is aware of four cases of strep caused by basic trainees. The first reports on Strep were reported on February 13, according to Fort Benning Public Affairs.
A soldier also died, but Fort Benning officials have not yet linked him to Strep business, according to a Post official.
"Unfortunately, a soldier died in Fort Benning, but we can not confirm the relationship," said Ben Garrett, spokesman for the post. "The medical assessment determining the death is ongoing right now."
These particular cases are complications of Strep infection and should be characterized as a group of cases and not as an epidemic, Garrett said.
Fort Benning medical staff worked with the TRADOC surgeon; the consultant for infectious diseases for the army; and the director, Command of Public Health of the Army,
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a bacterium called group A Streptococcus can cause many different infections. These infections range from minor illnesses to very serious and deadly diseases.
The post started advanced screening of all soldiers at basic training, including cadres. The Martin Army Community Hospital began in-depth examinations on February 13th.
Soldiers who test positive receive appropriate antibiotic treatment, according to information provided to News 3 by Fort Benning. As a precaution, all soldiers and basic education cadres will receive antibiotics in accordance with the surgeon's general recommendations for preventing the potential spread of infection, Benning officials said in a statement. .
According to Garrett, there are currently no more than 40 trained base soldiers.
"There is no epidemic or widespread epidemic," Garrett said. "The proximity of (basic training) soldiers can create conditions conducive to the spread of infectious diseases, and Fort Benning's health professionals continually monitor (basic training) soldiers at all stages of their training. their training to try to treat them quickly. "
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