Fossil of an old four-legged whale found in Peru


Artist's view of the beginning of a whale by A Gennari

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The newly discovered primitive whale lived about 43 million years ago

The fossil of a whale aged 43 million years, on all fours, webbed feet and hooves was discovered in Peru.

Paleontologists believe that the marine mammal body, four meters (13 feet) long, has been adapted for swimming and walking on land.

With its four members able to support its weight and powerful tail, the semi-aquatic whale has been compared to an otter or beaver.

The researchers believe that this discovery could shed light on the evolution of the whale and its spread.

"It's the most complete specimen ever found for a four-legged whale outside of India and Pakistan," said Dr. Olivier Lambert, scientist at the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences from Belgium and co-author of the study.

It was found in marine sediments 1 km from the Pacific coast of Peru, at Playa Media Luna.

The site has aroused the interest of researchers because it is believed that the first whales developed in South Asia about 50 million years ago.

While their bodies were better adapted to water, they migrated further into North Africa and North America, where fossils were found.

The latest discovery suggests that the first whales have managed to swim from South America.

"Whales are this iconic example of evolution," said Travis Park, a former whale researcher at the Natural History Museum in London.

"They've gone from small hoofed mammals to the blue whale we have today, so it's so interesting to see how they conquered the oceans."

An international team of paleontologists from Peru, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium excavated the fossil in 2011.

They named him Peregocetus pacificus, meaning "the wandering whale that has reached the Pacific".


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