Four people in Oregon contract Covid-19 after receiving two doses of vaccine


Oregon health officials are investigating four cases where people contracted the coronavirus after receiving both doses of the vaccine.

Symptoms for all four individuals range from asymptomatic to mild, the Oregon health authority said in a statement Friday.

“We are working with our local and federal public health partners to investigate and determine the origin of the cases. Genome sequencing is underway and we expect results next week. says the agency.

These people were called “breakthrough cases” because they fell ill with the new virus at least 14 days after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Health Authority said such cases were not “unexpected” during the pandemic. “Clinical trials of the two vaccines currently in use included cases of rupture. In these cases, even though participants contracted Covid-19, the vaccines reduced the severity of the disease,” the agency said.

Two of the cases were found in Yamhill County and two more in Lane County. Local health officials were now seeking to determine the origin of these cases to provide more information to the public.

The Oregon announcement comes as a landmark case has been revealed in North Carolina, according to NBC affiliate WCNC-TV in Charlotte.

State health officials told the outlet that the person had mild symptoms and had not been hospitalized because of Covid-19.

Pfizer and Moderna are the only two companies to have received emergency use authorization for their two-dose Covid-19 vaccines from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Studies indicate that they are each about 94% effective against Covid-19 and reduce severe symptoms one might experience after contracting the new virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated their guidelines to state that fully vaccinated people no longer need to quarantine if exposed to someone with Covid-19. People are usually advised to self-isolate for one to two weeks if they are exposed.

But those who are fully vaccinated, which means it has been two weeks since they received the second dose of the vaccine, no longer need to be quarantined until they develop symptoms.

People vaccinated are urged to follow other coronavirus safety measures such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing and avoiding large crowds.


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