Four positive tests for COVID-19 at the WFH


Franklin Memorial Hospital

FARMINGTON – Four staff at Franklin Memorial Hospital have tested positive for COVID-19 in what the Maine Center for Disease Control is calling an epidemic, according to a press release distributed by the hospital Friday night.

The four employees, described as members of the hospital’s care team who worked in different areas of the hospital, tested positive for respiratory disease and are now in self-quarantine. These cases are seen as an indication that the virus had “taken root” in Franklin County, the FMH statement said.

“They have worked in different areas of the hospital, and the cases are believed to indicate the coronavirus has taken root in Franklin County,” the statement said, “which so far has had fewer cases than d ‘others, harder hit. The CDC has classified the cases as an epidemic, but they are unlikely to be isolated or confined to hospital as the coronavirus is increasingly appearing in rural Maine. “

Maine has seen an increase in positive cases over the past few days, with 103 more cases reported on Friday. The 7-day positivity rate, based on positive cases over the total test volume, increased to 0.83%. During the entire pandemic, Franklin County has seen only a fraction of the roughly 6,500 reported cases statewide, according to data from the Maine CDC, registering 80 positive cases. This state has recorded a single death of a resident of Franklin County from COVID-19, as well as 68 recoveries.

“This means we’re all going to have to step up our vigilance if we are to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community,” said Trampas Hutches, president of Franklin Community Health Care, which includes Franklin Memorial. We urge all members of the community to wear a face mask over their mouth and nose whenever they are in an indoor space with people who are not part of their immediate household. This should be the case even when people are more than six feet apart. “

FMH is working with the CDC to test everyone potentially exposed to the virus. The hospital also reviews related policies, such as where employees meet for breaks.

“The positive cases are not believed to pose a significant risk to patients because hospital staff have been consistent in using protective equipment that minimizes transmission,” the WFH said in its statement.

The hospital also insists that people continue to get their flu shots and not delay treatment for other medical conditions. FMH remains open to all services, with the statement indicating that ‘extended protocols’ were in place to ensure patient safety, including universal masking, frequent cleanings, and designated areas for treatment of potential COVID-19 patients .

In addition to wearing a mask, the CDC recommends that people practice good hand hygiene and keep surfaces clean. Those who fear they have been exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms of infection – including fever, chills, sore throat, difficulty breathing, unexplained muscle pain, new cough, loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion or vomiting or diarrhea – should call their primary care provider for advice on testing, treatment and quarantine measures.

“So far, Maine has done much better than the rest of the country at controlling the spread of this virus, and luckily for our community, it hasn’t been as prevalent in Franklin County,” Hutches said. “With the weather cooler, everything indicates that this is starting to change. It is essential that we take this threat seriously by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.”

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