Four teachers and their director on leave after gleefully taking the photo with Noose


According to ABC News, four teachers and the principal of Summerwind Elementary School in Palmdale, Calif., Were put on vacation as a result of a photo with a noose flowing on social media.

One parent told KABC News that the noose was found hanging on the school wall at the beginning of May. It is unclear how the curly end of the rope fell on the wall, but the teachers started making jokes shortly after it was discovered.

Inappropriate responses continued when four teachers, with beaming smiles, posed for a photo with the noose. The photo was taken by Linda Brandt, the principal of the school.

Brandt then e-mailed the photo to other faculty members at the school, accompanied by a second image of the noose hanging in a deskside office. The photo eventually reached the social media accounts on Instagram, where it was discovered by parents, who ask Brandt and associate educators to receive a much harsher sentence than just a permission.

Bryson Clemmons, whose 10-year-old daughter attends school, has refused to return her child to Summerwind since the incident.

"We drop our kids with the idea that we send them to a culturally competent learning institution," Clemmons told Fox 11. "We think we're sending them to a school; they are safe. We never think that we send them to a plantation where they have hanging knots and clinging. Take pictures and smile, where is the humor? "

Shaka Phillips, a former teacher, whose 6-year-old niece is attending Summerwind, told Yahoo Lifestyle: "The school's integrity is completely compromised. For the black community, a noose is a weapon, a symbol of slavery and lynching. "

The incident is currently being investigated by the Palmdale School District, located about 100 kilometers from Los Angeles. Superintendent Raul Maldonado said on behalf of the school, "I endorse the values ​​of fairness, integrity and multiculturalism of the Palmdale promise, and I know that most[s] in the same values ​​that the promise defends. We will not let the hurtful actions of a few delay the promise of our district to do what is right for our community. "

The outrage of the parents is certainly palpable and, according to the parents, will not stop until significant changes are made to the school. Phillips promises that his niece will not return to Summerwind until the school has changed his policies and will announce more appropriate sanctions for the educators in question.

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