543 hikers evacuated from a volcano in Lombok


16 people were killed in the earthquake that hit Indonesia on Sunday, July 29th. If the toll is heavy, 543 hikers who were stranded on Mount Rinjani, on the island of Lombok, are safe and sound, according to the authorities. Guides and hikers, mostly foreigners, were evacuated Tuesday, July 31.

"543 hikers were evacuated, they arrived last night. There are now six people (in the mountains) . are all in good health, "said spokesman of the disaster management agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

Helicopters and rescue teams were deployed to evacuate stranded hikers to Mount Rinjani, a volcano prized by foreign tourists for its hiking sites. They remained stranded as a result of landslides following the magnitude 6.4 earthquake.

No hikers were injured

Among the hikers who were stranded were 239 Thai nationals, ] said the Thai Embbady in Jakarta. French, German, Dutch, and Americans are also recorded among hikers

Army helicopters dropped food and drink in several parts of the mountain to 'supply the hikers stranded. "For food, they can still survive a day or two," said Agus Hendra Sanjaya, spokesman for the research agency in Mataram, saying no hikers were injured.

16 dead and 160 wounded

The earthquake did less 16 dead and more than 160 wounded . Hundreds of homes were destroyed, causing scenes of panic, with residents and hotel occupants rushing outside.

Mount Rinjani, which rises to 3,726 meters of altitude, is the second volcano of Indonesia and it is very appreciated for its sites of excursions and magnificent views at the top. The earthquake caused tons of stones and mud to fall, blocking hikers in the mountains

The earthquake occurred 50 kilometers northeast of Mataram, Lombok's main city. The tremor was also felt on the small islands of Gili, popular tourist destinations off Lombok, as well as in Bali.

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