Environment Minister Scott Pruitt resigns


The leader of the US Environmental Protection Agency presented his resignation to Donald Trump, who accepted it after several scandals over his use of public funds.

 Scott Pruitt at a hearing in the US Senate, May 16.

US President Donald Trump on Thursday announced the resignation of Scott Pruitt, a controversial environment minister because of a cascade of scandals related to his lifestyle. to its use of public funds. "I accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt from his position as executive of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)" Trump said in a tweet after months of speculation about the fate of one who has worked to unravel the environmental record of Barack Obama

I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Within … https://t.co/sX31IwSZ01

– realDonaldTrump (@Donald J. Trump)

… on Monday badumed responsibility as the acting Administrator of the EPA. I have no doubt that Andy will continue on with … https://t.co/fvLsalJSuJ

– realDonaldTrump (@Donald J. Trump)

Greeting "exceptional work" made according to him by Mr. Pruitt, the tenant of the White House gives no indication on the reasons for his departure and does not mention at any time the various investigations of which this former Attorney General of Oklahoma is the subject.

See also:

                Scott Pruitt, a climate scientist to enlighten Trump

Scott Pruitt, who has been a climate scientist and close to the American oil industry, has been the subject of a dozen or so inquiries by the EPA inspector general or the House of Representatives on his life and its use of public money. Since taking office in February 2017, Scott Pruitt seems to have taken advantage of his position to improve his lifestyle and that of his family, violating several federal laws and punishing subordinates who raise objections or show him the loyalty that he was expecting from them

In particular, he is accused of excessive travel expenses, in first clbad or in planes chartered at the expense of the taxpayer, contrary to governmental rules, or the cost – almost doubled – of his personal security, due to the plethoric number of bodyguards accompanying the administrator, twenty-four hours a day, even abroad. Pruitt also had a secure phone booth installed in his Washington office for $ 43,000 – an amount deemed excessive

Andrew Wheeler, EPA's No. 2, will be acting, Trump said .

See also:
                "Trump wants to destroy the Environmental Protection Agency"

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