At the beginning of June, the Bordeaux public prosecutor's office confirmed that the investigation had been reopened on the suicide of the former wife of Bertrand Cantat to verify "elements" transmitted by the president of this badociation, Yael Mellul. The latter had been the lawyer of the last companion of Krisztina Rady. Ms. Mellul stated that she had been heard by the police on May 23 and, at the end of that hearing, lodged a complaint, as a first time in 2014, for "violence resulting in death without intent to give her". [19659002ThelawyeroftheformerleaderofBlackDesireAntoninLévyhadreacted:"Thisumpteenthcomplaintisbasedonliesandwillbedismissedlikeallthepreviousones"EventhefamilyofKrisztinahoweverfirstconcerneddoesnotsupportthisrelentlessness"
Krisztina Rady, who had two children with Bertrand Cantat, committed suicide in January 2010 at the marital home in Bordeaux. The singer, who has been free since October 2007 after having served his sentence for deadly blows on the actress Marie Trintignant in 2003, was put out of action in this suicide.
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